October 12, 2022 | General Meeting
- 5-0 approving the Auto Mall development public infrastructure district
- 5-0 approving Teton Commercial master development agreement
- 5-0 approving Consent Agenda, which includes the following:
- City Council meeting minutes for May 4, June 8, August 24, and September 14
- August 2022 monthly financial summary
- Sky Haven development reimbursement agreement
- 5-0 approving modifications to the Auto Mall Special District zone
- 5-0 approving the Auto Mall master development agreement
- 5-0 continuing a discussion of a master development agreement for the North of Miller Crossing development (a part of the Auto Mall project) until Jan 25, 2023
- 5-0 approving the Garden Plots master development agreement, a part of the Auto Mall project
- Modifications to draft ordinance:
- Conditional land uses will pass through an appealable administrative review
- Prohibition of churches and schools
- 5-0 approving the Crescent Parcel master development agreement, a part of the Auto Mall project
- Modifications to draft ordinance:
- Add 10 extra feet to rear yard setback requirements unless the property's berm is removed
- Trees on the rear of the property must be touching at maturity
- Modify land use table to allow outdoor recreational uses
- Prohibition of school-type land uses
General Meeting
Auto Mall Master Development Agreements (MDAs)
To prepare for a final vote (and before the public comment section), the City Council and auto mall development partner negotiated a series of final adjustments to the draft MDAs. Some include provisions for landscaping maintenance, land uses, structure setbacks, contaminated soil remediation, and potential performance triggers.
The Council and developer agreed to table the North of Miller Crossing MDA until at least January 2023 to allow some time for performance and development, but the other project MDAs were approved.
Auto Mall Public Comment
- Two residents expressed concern about the effect the Crescent property of the auto mall could have on property value in nearby neighborhoods
- One resident, representing a group of neighbors, requested that the Crescent MDA include that 1) trees along the rear of the property be close enough to touch at maturity, and 2) the berm on the property be removed.
Auto Mall Public Infrastructure District (PID) public hearing
The Auto Mall PID was approved by the City Council following a public hearing that was opened and closed without comment. The PID is the developer's financing mechanism for the auto mall's infrastructure and is not linked to City finances.
More information about the Auto Mall project can be found at www.herriman.org/automall.
City Council board and committee reports
- Councilmember Hodges noted a recent Utah League of Cities and Towns conference, which some councilmembers and staff members attended.
- Councilmember Hodges, representing the Veterans and Military Advisory Committee, spoke about the committee's role in the upcoming Veterans Day flag ceremony on November 11 at the city hall.
- Councilmember Hodges, representing the Off-Highway Vehicle Committee, reported the group is working on some surveys and recently examined some areas of interest.
- Councilmember Ohrn, representing the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District board, said the board is working with the state on how to move forward with new practices and providing tools to residents in response to 2022 legislation regarding water conservation. She also noted that even as the state begins to recover from severe drought conditions and that soil saturation data has a positive outlook, the drought is ongoing and there is a long way to go.
- Councilmember Shields, reported on a recent Association of Municipal Councils meeting this week at the city hall. The state is creating a tool intended to create accountability for cities regarding their modern housing plans. He commented that he would like the state to include specific goals and concrete checkpoints.
- Mayor Palmer, representing the county Tourism, Recreation, Cultural, and Convention Advisory Board, reported a recent meeting to award the last of the funding available this year. Herriman City is to be given $670,000 to help complete the Wide Hollow Trailhead.
- Mayor Palmer noted that he attended Hispanic Heritage Month at Capitol, which honored Hispanics from the state. He recognized the attendance of Antonio Valbuena, one of 5 Hispanic Herriman residents who were present at the event.
UFA Chief Dominic Burchett Introduction
Unified Fire Authority Chief Dominic Burchett formally introduced himself to the Council. He noted some early priorities for his term in the office included meeting all UFA employees and the participating city councils. His three focus areas are 1) the health and wellbeing of UFA employees, 2) relevancy of each unique community UFA serves, and 3) continuous improvements. He complimented the previous chief, Dan Petersen, on an excellent tenure, having made several significant changes to improve UFA.
Teton Commercial
The MDA for the 18-acre commercial development along 11800 South and 6000 West (west of Herriman High School) was approved. The agreement includes a few minor modifications from the C-2 Commercial zone it is located in, such as a small exception for a height restriction on signage and modified setbacks. The MDA includes a provision that no churches or schools are allowed in the development.
City Council recognitions
- The City Council complimented City staff for producing the recent popular Herriman Howl event.
- The Council recognized Communications Manager Jon LaFollette for receiving an award at the recent Utah Public Information Officer Association annual conference.
Public comments
- A resident noted that a pair of City-caused issues regarding her property have been partially resolved and asked the City to continue working on the other part of the issue.
Work Meeting
Game Pointe Property
The Game Pointe property—6 acres located near the northwest side of the auto mall project—was set to be developed in early 2020 as a very large family entertainment center. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the developer and the project was halted. Since that time, The Rush Funplex has been built in West Jordan, which would threaten stability and revenue for a similar concept in Herriman. The development team returned to the City Council with a commercial development concept, for which the City Council will collaborate with the developer in coming weeks. The Council expressed a desire for amusement/entertainment options in addition to retail, restaurants, and services to help maintain the original intent of the property.
Auto Mall land uses
The City Council made a series of amendments to permitted and conditional land use allowances within the four auto mall project areas. The final adjustments were made to help ensure the project turns out as an auto mall with necessary supporting land uses. Some prohibited uses included in the text change include schools, churches, daycares, golf course, and so forth.
Meeting video:
Work Meeting 1
Work Meeting 2
General Meeting