Decorative image showing fiber-optic cables and a network cable on a computer keyboard

Fiber-Optic Internet

Fiber-Optic Internet Service in Herriman

Some private companies offer fiber-optic internet service to certain areas in Herriman. Approval is given by Herriman City through franchise agreements for qualified internet service providers. These companies are generally allowed to install conduit and cabling in public right-of-way, which includes roadways, curb/gutter, park strips, and sidewalks.

Please reach out to internet service provider (ISP) companies for details about their projects, pricing, and other services.

Citywide Fiber-Optic Network

Herriman City has previously explored installing and implementing a citywide fiber-optic broadband network in a public-private partnership. However, in late 2023 with a framework idea in place, updated costs and interest rates made the project financially unfeasible. The City Council still feels that quality, high-speed internet access is vital to serve the community's needs in our modern area, but the City is no longer pursuing a publicly-owned network (utility-type model) that encompasses all properties in City boundaries.

Although the citywide fiber network plan was discontinued due to financial and logistical challenges, Herriman City remains focused on exploring alternative solutions to improve internet access throughout the community. The City continues to collaborate with private providers and assess new opportunities to meet the demand for high-speed connectivity.

What’s going on now?

In the January 22, 2025, City Council meeting, the Council reviewed and expressed support for a draft agreement between the City and All West Communications regarding fiber-optic network use. Under the agreement, the City would be able to use All West’s underground network to access, maintain, and control City infrastructure—such as water infrastructure, stoplights, street lights, and stormwater gates. In return, All West could access public utility easement space throughout the City to install future fiber-optic lines rather than being limited to public right-of-way. 

All West Communications has indicated plans to continue expanding its private fiber-optic network within Herriman, aiming to provide high-speed internet access to as much of the city as possible. Other fiber-optic internet service providers are still able to construct their own networks throughout the city as well through standard franchise agreements.

What happened to the publicly-owned fiber network?

In November 2023, updated financial models showed significantly increased costs and interest rates, making the original idea of a citywide municipal broadband network unfeasible. The project scope and initial financial models had been presented in August 2023, following the City’s public-private partnership with Strata Networks, which was formed after a resident survey in 2022 showed strong interest in a citywide network. The City originally formed a Broadband Task Force in 2021 to explore options for providing broadband access to the entire community, with a report presented to the City Council in March 2022.

See the Timeline section below for more details.



Broadband Task Force formed, consisting of two City Councilmembers, five City staff members, and an industry professional. Assigned to explore options of bringing high-speed internet via a fiber-optic broadband network to all of Herriman.

March 2022

Broadband Task Force reports on potential fiber-optic network and high-speed internet options.

May 2022

Herriman City surveys residents and businesses to statistically measure the community’s internet needs and its interest in a city-owned network that can serve each home and business.

July 2022

Survey results presented to the City Council.

September 2022

Invitation to Negotiate published; multiple companies submit bids for a fiber-optic network. After reviewing bids, Broadband Task Force recommends Strata Networks.

November 2022

City Council directs staff to work with Strata Networks to prepare a scope, schedule, and fee for preliminary design work.

March 2023

City Council approves Statement of Work and Master Services Agreement contracts with Strata Networks. Strata Networks begins creating full project scope, business and financial models, and a high-level project design.

August 2023

Scope report presented to the City Council.

Preliminary infrastructure design, cost modeling, potential construction methods, and an estimated timeline were provided.

September 2023

City Council discusses the project as details are being worked out and the project becomes clearer. Topics include financing options and the benefit to residents and the City.

November 2023

High-level design and financial analysis complete, presented to the City Council. Overall project costs, bond interest rates, and required subscription rates exceed previous estimates and the original project was determined unfeasible due to the costs

The project will be re-evaluated while other details about financing are prepared.

February 2024

New Invitation to Negotiate published, with the City asking for proposals of 1) connecting City infrastructure via fiber-optic lines and 2) solutions to make fiber-optic internet available to all residents.

August 2024

Task Force reports to the City Council that one of multiple proposals has a franchise agreement with the City and is able to negotiate based on the criteria.

Fall 2024

City issues award of Invitation to Negotiate to All West Communications

Winter 2024-2025

Draft agreement for fiber and conduit lease prepared

January 2025

Presented draft agreement to the City Council for approval.

Proposed: All West Communications may use City-owned conduit and public utility easements on private property (rather than being limited to public right-of-way) to expand its fiber-optic network throughout the city. Herriman City may use the network to access, control, and maintain City facilities and infrastructure to enhance public services.

Winter/Spring 2025

Draft agreement with All West Communications presented to the City Council for approval.


All West Communications continues construction of its fiber-optic network using City-owned underground conduit and public utility easements (PUEs) on private property in addition to public right-of-way.