September 14, 2022 | General Meeting
- 4-0 approving the Consent Agenda, which includes the following:
- July 2022 monthly financial summary
- Purchase agreement for 2.506 acres for 6400 West right-of-way corridor
- Purchase agreement for two parcels for 6400 West right-of-way corridor
- First amendment to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Salt Lake County for Copper Creek Channel Improvement Project
- 4-0 approving an amendment to the Herriman City Official Zoning Map for property located at 5057 W 12500 South of 6.36 acres from A-1-43 (Agricultural) zone to the C-2 (Commercial) zone.
General Meeting
City Council board and committee reports
- Councilmember Hodges, representing the South Valley Sewer District board, reported that in 20 years the sewer rates have not changed. He stated it's a testament to the management and not the board at the Sewer District.
- Councilmember Hodges, representing the Off Highway Vehicle Committee, noted the group recently met to discuss the timelines of site surveys of where they would like to look for trails and park riding.
- Councilmember Ohrn, representing the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District board, encouraged continued water conservation by Herriman residents and suggested watching short videos produced by the Kearns Improvement District on ways to conserve water.
- Mayor Palmer noted that he met with the Friends of Herriman, the non-profit group. They are conducting interviews to create their Board of Directors that will include a member from existing Herriman committees. He also stated that they are working on gathering donations for the Dowdle puzzle they envision using as a fundraiser to generate revenue for the non-profit. They intend to meet with Bullfrog and RSL about possible co-title sponsors on the project.
- Mayor Palmer, representing the Southwest Mayors, stated they met recently to introduce the new Mayors. Every city in the southwest valley was represented there. He noted they will be working on a logo and new name to be more official and recognized.
Meeting video