September 22, 2021 | General Meeting
- 5-0 closing the public hearing for a transportation bond
- 3-2 closing public hearings for the Olympia master development agreement, annexation, and PID governing document. An additional time for public comment for Olympia will be available in next week's special City Council meeting at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall.
- 5-0 approving the consent agenda, which includes the monthly financial summary
- 5-0 approving personal care services as a conditionally permitted use in the R-2-15 zone
- 5-0 approving an update to the Flood Insurance Rate Map
General Meeting
Public Hearings
Roads bond
The City is proposing a $10,593,000 bond with Bank of Utah with 1.68% interest. The bond would be paid back by transportation funds from the state of about $800,000 for each of the net 15 years. The hearing closed and the Council is expected to vote on the bond at its next regular meeting.
Olympia MDA Public Hearing
The public hearing for the Olympia master development agreement (MDA) was continued from a previous meeting. The City Manager summarized the Olympia MDA situation with a PowerPoint presentation, including describing benefits to the City if Olympia is annexed.
- 2 comments asking the Council to consider providing Herriman High School Rugby a playing field within Olympia
- Comment supporting annexation
- Request to postpone decision indefinitely until MDA requires significantly more commercial space
- Comment requesting that Olympia not be built
Olympia Annexation Public Hearing
- Comment expressing concern that the City hasn't had enough time and isn't ready to do this deal
Olympia Public Infrastructure District Public Hearing
- Continuation of a previous comment asking the City to take more time to consider the annexation
Following the vote to close the hearings, the following concerns (and resolutions to those concerns) were discussed:
- Proposed trailhead on western end of Olympia, with a desire for the City to have more control over the property and negotiations for the amenity
- If the 20-acre trailhead is not ultimately constructed, the developer will construct at least a 2-acre park that the City will take over. The remaining acreage will be dispersed elsewhere throughout the development per the open space requirement
- City funding the construction of the park "K" on mid-southern border of Olympia
- The City approached the developer about this park and asked for an upsize to essentially match the Hidden Oaks park on the other side of Olympia's boundary. Upsize funding generally is the responsibility of the City, though the developer will fund all stormwater improvements (including this park's detention facilities) that are required by EPA regulations. The developer will also dedicate the park's property to the City, and both parties are discussing what other aspects of the park the developer should be obligated to pay for.
- Quality of life due to density
- It was stated that quality of life will be affected regardless if Olympia is annexed, as the development is entitled in Salt Lake County. With annexation, the City will receive a significant amount of additional funding from development fees to help improve infrastructure to handle the growth.
- Utah State University campus
- The plan anticipates the possibility for a USU satellite campus, which USU has the option to develop. If it is developed, the property would not count as open space, nor would it be added to the calculation of overall open space requirements—it would be removed from the equation entirely. If the campus is not built, the property could be developed just like the rest of Olympia, but no additional residential units would be added, and 20% open space would still be required.
- City finances
- Based on financial projections in 2021 dollars, the City would receive about $36 million in one-time money at the project's buildout to assist in building important infrastructure and public safety facilities, and about $2.9 million per year in ongoing revenue (sales tax, etc.) above ongoing expenses (projected $14.9 million in ongoing revenue vs. $12 million in ongoing costs).
- Review of all documents by outside legal counsel
- The City is asking outside legal counsel to give a final review of Olympia-related documents before next week's special City Council meeting. It was noted that this review is of compliance of legal matters only, and not to provide business- or policy-related advice.
General Public Comments
- Several comments about recent flooding from major rainstorms, suggesting the City pays for damages
- Opposition to the tax rate change that was approved this summer. Information about the change can be found at www.herriman.org/property-tax
- Recommending looking at hunting areas and educating hunters about the trails in the area
- Concern about hunting areas and proximity with mountain bikers on trails
Boards and Committee Reports
- Councilmember Ohrn, reporting from the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District board, noted the state's drought is continuing despite recent storms. However, the ground saturation is substantially higher now than at this point last year, which could result in more runoff next year.
- Councilmember Shields, reporting from the Mosquito Abatement District, said there's an increase in West Nile Virus cases throughout the state. There are 43 active pools in southern Salt Lake County, 252 pools in the whole county, and 668 throughout the state. There are 3 positive human cases of West Nile Virus in southern S.L. County, 7 in the whole County, and 15 across the state. He encouraged residents to wear DEET mosquito repellant when outside and to avoid mosquitos where possible.
- Councilmember Smith, reporting from the Utah Transit Authority Local Advisory Council, said that UTA is going through a refunding bond opportunity, trying to take advantage of low interest rates. He mentioned that the advisory council now sets pay for UTA trustees, and attached cost-of-living adjustments to the same rate the legislature generally approves each year.
- Councilmember Henderson, reporting from the Unified Fire Authority Board, noted that the board is forming a committee to replace Chief Dan Petersen as he nears end of his 5-year commitment.
City Council Recognitions
- Councilmember Shields described a recent meeting with a local Girl Scout troop in which they learned about city procedures and how government works and commended the group.
- Councilmember Smith had a similar experience with a separate Girl Scout troop and commended them as well.
- Councilmember Smith also commended the Mountain Ridge High School DECA Club for a recent mayoral race debate they held.
Work Meeting
Budget amendment for reimbursement
The City has several standard reimbursement agreements for developers designing and constructing various projects throughout the city. The Council was presented with a list of 8 projects for which developers have asked the City for reimbursements that aren't anticipated in the current year's approved budget. Approval of any of these reimbursements would require a formal budget amendment. This item will be considered again at a later meeting.
Single-family design standards
The Utah state legislature passed a bill earlier this year that lessens City control over single-family housing designs. The City is working on a proposed ordinance change to bring it in line with the new law. The Council discussed a grey area of the new law and accordingly wanted to leave in a piece of City ordinance that prohibits exact housing plans within three lots or across the street.
Accessory dwelling units standards
The state passed a law this year that requires cities to permit internal accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in any area zoned primarily for residential use. The City is working on a proposed ordinance to bring the City in compliance with that new law.
Rezone of Olympia development area
The Council discussed a rezone of the Olympia development area from its current general plan and zone to the new MPC Large Project Master Planned Community Zone that the City created this year. The property is currently outside city limits, but would change to the new zone if/when the Olympia development is annexed into Herriman City.
Meeting agenda and video