Planning Commission Recap

Planning Commission members sitting at the dias.

Voting Section

  • 6-0 approval of the Fire Station subdivision plat at 5616 W 12900 South.
  • 6-0 approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Fire Station 103 at 5616 W 12900 South.
  • 6-0 approval of the Greenford Lane Church subdivision plat at 14069 S Greenford Lane.
  • 6-0 approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Ridge View Church at 14069 S Greenford Lane.
  • 6-0 approval of the 13800 South Street road dedication plat between 4600 West and Sentinel Ridge Boulevard.

General Meeting Section

Fire Station Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit The Planning Commission reviewed and approved a subdivision plat and a Conditional Use Permit for Fire Station 103, located at 5616 W 12900 South. City staff explained that the 20-acre parcel would be divided, with the 1.54-acre site designated for the new fire station. The project complies with city standards for the Agricultural Zone and supports community safety infrastructure.

Greenford Lane Church Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit The Commission approved the preliminary subdivision plat and a Conditional Use Permit for a new church to be built at 14069 S Greenford Lane. The 4.4-acre project aligns with Residential Zone standards, and public comments focused on traffic management and community integration.

13800 South Street Road Dedication A road dedication plat was approved for a 0.36-acre section of 13800 South Street, located between 4600 West and Sentinel Ridge Boulevard. This dedication facilitates necessary road improvements and ensures alignment with the city’s transportation plan.

Planning Commission comments

  • Commissioner Jacobson stated he felt that subdivisions like the one tonight should be approved at staff level.

Work Meeting Section

Discussion on Land Use Development Standards

    Staff shared a video from Strong Towns titled "Are Parking Lots Ruining Your City". In this video it challenges cities to look at how their parking regulations may or may not affect interest from businesses and developments. 


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